For Educators

Would you love to see more informed choice, less birth trauma, and more positive birthing outcomes in the area you live?
Are you a birth worker or trained childbirth educator who is finding it overwhelming trying to put together your own prenatal class?
Or are you struggling to find time to create your own teaching program?
Our fully customizable prenatal education program comes with a lifetime license to teach to classes or personal clientele. It pays for itself quickly and sets you up for an influx of birthing families who trust you to guide them through their journey.
With this program, you can;
Integrate prenatal education into your doula or birth work business
Join the Pathways Prenatal franchise (includes a website and branding)
Teach private prenatal classes
Teach group prenatal classes
Design your own class from the pages provided
Build your own prenatal program from what 's included, and teach what you feel comfortable teaching!
Common birth terms
Pregnancy Anatomy
General Labour Timeline
Roles of the birth team
Informed Choice and Consent
Psychology of labour
Fears Surrounding Birth
Birth hormones
Stages and phases of labour
Early Labour
Active Labour
Transition to Pushing
Heading to the Hospital/Calling Birth Team
Working through contractions
Words of Affirmation
Birth interventions
Intervention prevention
Natural Pain Management
Medical Pain Management
Labour Variations
Birth preferences
Body Preparation
Core Anatomy
Birth Anatomy
Fetal positioning
Cardinal movements of birth
Stalled/Slow/Failure to Progress
Labour Positions
After Baby's Arrival
Golden Hour
The Fourth Trimester
Your Postpartum Mind
Adjust Your Thinking
Your Postpartum Body
Adjusting to Your New Life
Taking Care of a Newborn
Safe Sleep
Breastfeeding Basics
For the Partner
Labour Tasks for the Partner
Cesarean Sections
NICU Tidbits
Placenta Tour
Going Overdue
Preparing for a Homebirth
Golden Hour - Baby's Instinctive Phases
Group B Strep and Gut Health
It Starts at Birth
Common Birth Complications
What to pack checklist
Postpartum must-haves
Birth acronyms (BRAIN & TACO)
Padsicles recipe
Labour aid recipe
So much more!

License the Full Program - $597 CAD
(valued at over $1000)
License the full prenatal education program and integrate it into the business you've already built.
You will receive;
70+ pages of teachable content
5 different colour palettes to choose from
Teacher's guide
Info on how to set up private or group classes
Customizable slideshow
Info on how to teach body preparation.
New and updated handouts.
Everything is already done for you,
you just have to teach and start changing the birth world!

Join the Pathways Franchise - $1497 CAD
(valued at over $3000)
It's basically a business in a box, with very little investment, but a high return.
You will receive;
70+ pages of teachable content
5 different colour palettes to choose from
Teacher's guide
Website template
Digital marketing materials
Pathways logo customized to your area
Info on how to set up private or group classes
Info on how to teach body preparation
New and updated handouts
By being part of the Pathways Prenatal franchise, you will receive a license for the entire program along with your own customizable website template and rights to use our branding and logo.
All you need to do to start your own Pathways Prenatal education business, is purchase your own domain name - can be www.pathways(yourarea).com/.ca, and add it to your new Pathways website.
Then find a location to teach at, set your own prices, dates and times, and decide whether you want to teach weekly group classes, one day group workshops, or private prenatal classes.
Market your classes to your area and then you're all ready to start teaching, making more money and changing birthing experiences!
Imagine a world where every pregnant women is educated on her birthing options, what to expect, and how to advocate for what she wants.
This could be a possibility, starting with educators like you!
Purchase Individual Licenses
Don't need a full prenatal education program?
You can license individual program bundles and just teach what you need to!